Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Investment 101

Good day to all the people who love money, which is practically all of us...
Strange how money makes the world go round these days. I wonder what we'd do without it? Go back to riding ox wagons and horses and living on farms? How boring life would be... ;)
Now, as some of us can agree to some extent that we always want to invest in something, because one day your investment would smile back at you and say,"Hey, I'm worth a lot more now!!", we get to the question of what do we invest in?
There's a couple of choices these days, small businesses, personal investments like cars, high end guitars, etc. Some of us even like to invest in ourselves, for example to take out life insurance. That way, you'd leave some money behind for all your kids and grand kids to "put to good use".
Everything needs to get insured now a days, and insurance companies get smarter by the minute. Which means we must go and compare insurance quotes. This one will give you some of your money back if they don't have to do anything for you for four years, I think they call it a "no claim bonus"? That's like driving into a petrol station with a sign that says,"We'll give you free petrol once every year if you don't use our services!". And then there's the guys who are very proud of it that they have fewer staff than the rest,"Cut out the middleman!!".
But still, life is too risky to go about without any insurance, because it's a jungle out there and all we have to protect ourselves, is just money.

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