Yes, we all know that lyric, it comes from the legendary Hotel California, a song written by musical geniuses, The Eagles.
Some of the people didn't get the lyrics and what they were trying to say, but that's a post for another time.
The song has another line,"You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave!". Have you ever felt like that when you are staying in a hotel?
The feeling that you can't leave simply because you don't want to, because everything is amazing in this Randburg hotel! Yes, you get that feeling that you want to stay for eternity...
I remember when my brother and mother went to Montreal, Canada, they told me about their amazing stay at this one hotel. It really sounded like they're going to become permanent residents in it! At least they came back...
Accommodation is always something you need to sort out before travelling anywhere, so here's a nice little tip, make sure that your accommodation is some place you can call Hotel California!
Looking for adventure, travel and overall expert advice, come on into Safari Travel centre.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Achey Breakey arms…..Fish the Skeleton Coast Namibia
Fishing Namibia from the shore, well what a pleasant and unexpected surprise.
Being a novice shore fisherman (the biggest catch before was a 1.5kg tame trout reared by some grandmother on samp mielies) being asked to go fish around Cape Cross on the NAM coastline, was firstly a well needed break from Homeloans, finance and demanding clients and banks and secondly an adventure, having lived in Swakopmund in the early 70’s.
Driving across from Pretoria at 3.00am and arriving at 8.00pm(bets were on for a bottle of JW Black) was awesome. Two of us sharing, stopping only for fuel and a 12 minute tyre change(move over Ferrari) we cruised across the Trans Kalahari highway and sat down for a well earned “dop en n tjop” at Kucki’s pub at 9.00pm
Meeting up with Shane Milne our intrepid guide for the next 10 days was great. Mr unassuming himself, who would take me from novice to WORLD CHAMPION UBER ALLES fisherman, turned out to be a great guy, whiskey drinker and awesome, awesome fisherman who knows the coastline, its holes, the sharks and how to find black and white mussels even in the worst of storms. Shane’s business Aquanaut Tours run by him and his true boss (the Mrs herself) is a great company and the specialized shark fishing taught us all, and especially me how to catch and release all catches, what a pleasure and what an emotional experience.
And so from day 1 it started.
If we had been in competition I would have kicked butt, with those “oh so professional” fishing partners of mine from the “Inland Sharks Shore Angling Club” ha!! 2 Bronze shark, 6 Spotted Shark, 1 Sand Shark and 1 Hound Shark in 1 day. Was I stoked! Was I excited yeah! But most importantly was I stuffed! – Completely. I actually needed an hour sleep in the day to recoup, but what a day.
From then onwards it was, staying at the most awesome cottage owned by “Cashbox” and his son “Pettycash” at Cape Cross, seals, brown Hyena, Jackals, cold mist and wind and plenty COB (kabeljou).
Time flew, the fishing was great, the weather cold and from 5am to 7pm daily I learnt how to prepare bait, tie bait from the stomach the fillets, white and black mussels, crayfish and chokka, casting up at the misty Namibian skies, braai on the beach, fish braai for supper, mussels collecting and eating and exploring that awesome stark and harsh coastline only to sleep like a baby after a great days fishing.
Photos, well 380 were stolen with my camera after a break in, in Swakopmund on our last night, but hey! This is Africa! Stuff them, they cannot take the memories and we know that these crooks too shall die.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Highway run!
Ever felt like just getting into your car and start driving to see where the road leads you?
I'm pretty sure some of us have done it some time in our lives. Or maybe you just passed a thought about it? Either way, highway equals freedom, right?
A lot of people like to have a great adventure, others like to plan things first. Personally, I think you need to plan a great experience.
Get yourself amazing accommodation, find yourself a good stretch of road, enjoy a great weekend away from everything and have a blast while bungee jumping or exploring the wilderness.
Life is short, make the best out of every moment! And no, I'm not asking you to set the cat's tail on fire, just telling you to get out there and take a whiff of fresh air in a place you've never been before!
I'm pretty sure some of us have done it some time in our lives. Or maybe you just passed a thought about it? Either way, highway equals freedom, right?
A lot of people like to have a great adventure, others like to plan things first. Personally, I think you need to plan a great experience.
Get yourself amazing accommodation, find yourself a good stretch of road, enjoy a great weekend away from everything and have a blast while bungee jumping or exploring the wilderness.
Life is short, make the best out of every moment! And no, I'm not asking you to set the cat's tail on fire, just telling you to get out there and take a whiff of fresh air in a place you've never been before!
Posted by
10:18 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wood you fancy a club?
Playing golf is a nice way to let go.
Some people take that up literally and sometimes let go of their putter when they miss a put.
Others like to yell at the ball(as if the ball can hear them...) to boost their image. "It's the ball that travelled wide, I didn't hit it in that direction!"
Yes, golf can arise a lot of emotion and competitiveness within us all, but the trick is to steer it to good use, thus leaving you with an abundance of joy when you walk into your accommodation in Randburg after performing like a pro at Sun City.
So, hit the golf course this weekend and enjoy the hot sun, the green grass, the birdies, eagles, pars and bogeys, and let go of everything for that eighteen holes. Have a laugh when your ball travels wide, kick back in the club house and treat yourself to an amazing experience!
Some people take that up literally and sometimes let go of their putter when they miss a put.
Others like to yell at the ball(as if the ball can hear them...) to boost their image. "It's the ball that travelled wide, I didn't hit it in that direction!"
Yes, golf can arise a lot of emotion and competitiveness within us all, but the trick is to steer it to good use, thus leaving you with an abundance of joy when you walk into your accommodation in Randburg after performing like a pro at Sun City.
So, hit the golf course this weekend and enjoy the hot sun, the green grass, the birdies, eagles, pars and bogeys, and let go of everything for that eighteen holes. Have a laugh when your ball travels wide, kick back in the club house and treat yourself to an amazing experience!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tashinga - a reason for securing your bush camp when you sleep at night
i do not like to take other peoples stories, but this is a bit close to the bone with us knowing these folks, knowing Tashinga and Matusadona Hills in Zimbabwe and having spent many a night camping at this amazing site. we have often been harassed by lions here and caution is the word....and i only just learnt of this, use it or lose it - but do not ignore this.
So hers the story as told by the guys on site.
It was mid-morning on a Sunday when the TurboCharge fleet of sixteen boats arrived at the Tashinga Camp in the Matusadona National Park at the mouth of the Ume River. We were greeted by the sight of a magnificent bull elephant in the camp calmly feeding himself. Our first mooring spot was too exposed to potential weather, so we moved around the corner into a bay where the sight of previously-buried garbage floating on the bank was very off putting. The water had come up to such a high level that previous garbage pits were now under water. Within minutes, a gang of TurboChargers were collecting the rubbish and storing it in dustbin bags. There was no sign of any other people. We relaxed and marveled at the tranquility of the place and of how wonderful the campsite must have been in its day. There were ablution blocks that were still working and were clean, and there were various campsites within the area.
After a few hours of entertaining ourselves, three of us decided to set out on foot and try and find some national parks staff. From the camp to the offices is about a kilometer and a half. Walking the road without protection makes the road seem a lot longer. Very fresh tracks are everywhere. You enter the park’s offices via the workshops where various recent model 4x4s are in various states of disrepair. One cruiser was parked against a rock, and we assume this means it was a runner. At the office we found the wildlife manager who offered to send the camp supervisor down to the camp and book us in. We specifically asked him if there were any “problem” animals that we should be concerned about and were assured that there was nothing to worry about. We returned to camp via the same road, not as worried about animals as before.
The camp supervisor duly arrived in his Sunday clothes and took our order for firewood. The boilers were lit and everyone was quickly into the showers. We had permission to have one big bonfire in a central place, and we collected a big tree to help. During the rest of the afternoon some guys went off fishing, some played scrabble, and some even had a few beers.
Firewood arrived, and the four cooking teams started preparations for the evening meal. The sunset was as spectacular as one could wish for. It is beyond my command of the English language to describe the colors of red and pink that were exploding out of the clouds. A parks member arrived with a weapon stating that he was here to protect us and could he also have a drink pointing to the beer in my hand. Beer denied!
It was Andre Van Rooyen and Rich Elman Brown's turn to cook, and it was a superb meal. We all ate well, and there was enough left over for breakfast. We adjourned to the big bonfire. The other cooking teams had cooked on the highest part of the camp site and had had a good loud party. Slowly but surely everyone either gravitated towards the fire or to bed. It was in the back of everyone's mind that we were in a wild habitat and that the fast-rising lake was restricting the open ground that normally surrounded the camp. Cooking areas were packed up well and the thought of hyenas was never far away.
The various campsites consisted generally of one or two asbestos A-frame huts and a concrete slab. Four people could sleep in or on each. Eight guys chose to occupy the site closest to the water. This had two A-frames and a slab, all within touching distance of each other. One even had a back wall. At about midnight, there were four of us left at the fire. All the sites had people sleeping in them and all were within a forty-meter radius. Mike and I decided to call it a night and grabbed our bed packs and toured the area. Our first choice was the camp by the water but we felt it was too crowded. The moon was as bright as daylight, and we wandered from spot to spot before returning to the fire to join Bruce and Justin.
Just before four o'clock in the morning, an elephant broke down a tree. In the still of the night, it sounded very close, and the majority of the camp was instantly awake. Down at the crowded camp close to the water, Dave and Rich turned on some music and chatted. Andre was in the next hut less than one meter away. Ben was at his boat having a cigarette on his own. Lance got out of bed to relieve his bladder, shining his hunting torch at his target but not into the close bush.
Unbeknownst to any of them, a lioness and her three adult cubs had crawled down the thick bush line and were just meters away. The bright moon had just dropped below the horizon, and the night was at its darkest. Andre was asleep with his head against the back wall of the A-frame. He felt a weight on his body, and in his slumber thought he was at home and that his dog had climbed on his bed. He rolled over to tell his dog off when he saw the lion open her mouth and close it on his head. He started shouting. Andre is a big man of about 100 kgs. The lioness slapped him through his air mattress and then proceeded to slap his body against the roof of the hut two or three times with his head in her mouth. Andre was convinced she was going to break his neck. Unable to break his neck in the confined space, she then dragged him off still holding his head in her mouth.
Lance Nesbitt was the first hero. Still getting into his sleeping bag less than four meters away, he heard Andre scream and immediately knew what was happening and what to do. His torch was still in hand and he shone it straight at the retreating lioness who was already two meters away from the A-frame next to an anthill. By advancing and shining his torch on the lioness and screaming at the top of his voice, he stopped the lioness. When Lance was joined spontaneously by Dean Kendall and Bobo Gibbons, also with torches and loud voices, she dropped Andre and grudgingly walked away a meter before stopping and turning back. Very nearby were her three almost full-grown cubs. Had she dragged Andre one or two meters closer to the others, the situation might have been far more serious. The brave screaming and cussing from Lance, Bobo, and Dean was joined by more voices and more screaming. The four lions reluctantly retreated another ten meters and then squatted down in the light bush. I had grabbed my air horn from the boat.
The combination of this unfamiliar very loud noise and many torches and advancing shouting humans encouraged the four lions to wander off. They were in no hurry and on their way towards the thick bush; they walked within ten meters of John and Alex Lucas who were sleeping in the most isolated of the A-frames. Their father, Lex, was shouting for his boys, but they did not want to shout back in case it attracted any attention from the lions.
When we thought the lions had gone, Dean stated that we were very lucky that it was only an hour-and-a-half to daybreak and that it would be very unlikely that the lions would return. It has taken me longer to write the account of the incident than the actual time this part of the attack and rescue took place. When I got to Andre, he had crawled back the two meters to the A-frame and was vomiting. His face was a mess, but the bleeding was not extensive. At this point, there was every reason to panic, but the most amazing scene unfolded. First-aid kits came out of most boats. Andre was made comfortable.
Hugh Roberts calmly asserted control and administered a drip. Alex Lucas sat with Andre and monitored his shock. Hugh assessed the damage and cleaned up the wounds as best he could. Andre remained conscious throughout but did not talk much. Those who could not help congregated to the big fire, and a head count was taken. Rich found Andre's medical aid card and on one particular spot at Tashinga, Jeff managed to use his South African phone to get a signal from Zambia and phone for rescue. It is an extremely anxious time trying to explain to someone in Harare at 4:30 in the morning where Tashinga is and the state of the emergency.
It was Hugh Roberts' calming influence that prevented emotions running high. It was agreed to medevac Andre at first light to Bumi Hills, which was only twenty minutes away by boat. Radio communications were limited, but we thought that Bumi were aware of our forthcoming arrival. Later I was told that one of the boats had managed to get ahold of the Tashinga Camp (two kilometers away) who said they would send an email to Bumi. We prepared my boat for the trip, but just before we were going to move Andre, I asked for another boat as it was not safe to go in only one. Arthur had his ready in seconds, and it was decided his decking was more suitable to carry Andre.
Five hundred meters off shore, Arthur's boat stopped. He quickly corrected a loose fuel connection and it gave us the opportunity to imagine how badly things could go wrong if the rescue boat had been on its own and had broken down.
At Bumi, I was blowing my air horn as we entered the harbor, and a manager (Ian Smith) saw through his binoculars a drip being held up in the boat and knew there was an emergency. Bumi was not expecting us. Mike and Jeff decided to run up to the hotel and were met by a vehicle near the top. Lying in the boat, Andre was shivering from shock, but the early morning sun was beginning to rise. With his head covered in bandages, he calmly and bravely stated, “I cannot see, and I cannot feel my feet and that disturbs me,” a true masterpiece of understatement for us.
The staff at Bumi were magnificent. We loaded Andre onto a cruiser and took him straight to the airstrip. There we tried to make Andre as comfortable as possible. Anticipating a two-hour wait, there was not much we could do.
Hugh Roberts changed the dressing and eventually the drip. Andre was in a great deal of pain and Mike, Jeff, Arthur, Rich, and I took turns caring for him - all under the calm leadership of Hugh Roberts. We had a chance to check Andre's back. Where the lioness had slapped him through his air mattress was an intense bruise in the almost perfect shape of a lion's paw. The mattress had merely prevented her claws from ripping into Andre's flesh.
Waiting for the plane was very difficult. We later learned that it had spent nearly half an hour on the runway in Harare waiting for clearance. On hearing the plane, the Bumi staff quickly drove up and down the runway to clear the many animals. The very impressive MARS air rescue ambulance taxied close to us, and the professionals took over. Andre was carried on the mattress to the plane where he got out and walked. At the last minute, he suddenly refused to get into the plane but there were enough of us to get him those last few meters. It took the doctor and nurse about half an hour to stabilize him and prepare him for take-off. The plane took off and Andre was in safe hands. There was nothing more we could do. Hugh Roberts could sigh and rest against the vehicle. I wanted to sit in a corner and cry.
We are told that Andre was suggesting to the pilot how he should be flying the plane - the morphine had obviously kicked in! Family and friends were waiting for him in Bulawayo. From being attacked by a lion at the remoteness of the Ume river to being hospitalized in Bulawayo in less than eight hours is praiseworthy, and we need to thank all medical staff and pilots involved.
We went up to the hotel to make some phone calls and then returned to the fleet. Some national parks staff had wandered down mid-morning stating that they had heard the noise and was there anything they could do? Had I been there my reply would not have been polite.
Andre is currently in the hospital in Johannesburg. Sadly, he lost his left eye, but his life is no longer in danger. His wife Clare is with him while their three sons remain in Bulawayo to get on with their schooling. Friends have been amazing in their support for the family. Our most grateful thanks and respect goes to the heroes who chased off the lions and those who rescued Andre afterwards.
To Andre, we wish you a complete and speedy recovery. We salute your bravery.
By Rob Nixon
Jun 13, 2010
Well from my side, you are lucky mate and I wish you all the best, you certainly have a story to tell.
To all of you heroes - BAYETE - we salute you
So hers the story as told by the guys on site.
It was mid-morning on a Sunday when the TurboCharge fleet of sixteen boats arrived at the Tashinga Camp in the Matusadona National Park at the mouth of the Ume River. We were greeted by the sight of a magnificent bull elephant in the camp calmly feeding himself. Our first mooring spot was too exposed to potential weather, so we moved around the corner into a bay where the sight of previously-buried garbage floating on the bank was very off putting. The water had come up to such a high level that previous garbage pits were now under water. Within minutes, a gang of TurboChargers were collecting the rubbish and storing it in dustbin bags. There was no sign of any other people. We relaxed and marveled at the tranquility of the place and of how wonderful the campsite must have been in its day. There were ablution blocks that were still working and were clean, and there were various campsites within the area.
After a few hours of entertaining ourselves, three of us decided to set out on foot and try and find some national parks staff. From the camp to the offices is about a kilometer and a half. Walking the road without protection makes the road seem a lot longer. Very fresh tracks are everywhere. You enter the park’s offices via the workshops where various recent model 4x4s are in various states of disrepair. One cruiser was parked against a rock, and we assume this means it was a runner. At the office we found the wildlife manager who offered to send the camp supervisor down to the camp and book us in. We specifically asked him if there were any “problem” animals that we should be concerned about and were assured that there was nothing to worry about. We returned to camp via the same road, not as worried about animals as before.
The camp supervisor duly arrived in his Sunday clothes and took our order for firewood. The boilers were lit and everyone was quickly into the showers. We had permission to have one big bonfire in a central place, and we collected a big tree to help. During the rest of the afternoon some guys went off fishing, some played scrabble, and some even had a few beers.
Firewood arrived, and the four cooking teams started preparations for the evening meal. The sunset was as spectacular as one could wish for. It is beyond my command of the English language to describe the colors of red and pink that were exploding out of the clouds. A parks member arrived with a weapon stating that he was here to protect us and could he also have a drink pointing to the beer in my hand. Beer denied!
It was Andre Van Rooyen and Rich Elman Brown's turn to cook, and it was a superb meal. We all ate well, and there was enough left over for breakfast. We adjourned to the big bonfire. The other cooking teams had cooked on the highest part of the camp site and had had a good loud party. Slowly but surely everyone either gravitated towards the fire or to bed. It was in the back of everyone's mind that we were in a wild habitat and that the fast-rising lake was restricting the open ground that normally surrounded the camp. Cooking areas were packed up well and the thought of hyenas was never far away.
The various campsites consisted generally of one or two asbestos A-frame huts and a concrete slab. Four people could sleep in or on each. Eight guys chose to occupy the site closest to the water. This had two A-frames and a slab, all within touching distance of each other. One even had a back wall. At about midnight, there were four of us left at the fire. All the sites had people sleeping in them and all were within a forty-meter radius. Mike and I decided to call it a night and grabbed our bed packs and toured the area. Our first choice was the camp by the water but we felt it was too crowded. The moon was as bright as daylight, and we wandered from spot to spot before returning to the fire to join Bruce and Justin.
Just before four o'clock in the morning, an elephant broke down a tree. In the still of the night, it sounded very close, and the majority of the camp was instantly awake. Down at the crowded camp close to the water, Dave and Rich turned on some music and chatted. Andre was in the next hut less than one meter away. Ben was at his boat having a cigarette on his own. Lance got out of bed to relieve his bladder, shining his hunting torch at his target but not into the close bush.
Unbeknownst to any of them, a lioness and her three adult cubs had crawled down the thick bush line and were just meters away. The bright moon had just dropped below the horizon, and the night was at its darkest. Andre was asleep with his head against the back wall of the A-frame. He felt a weight on his body, and in his slumber thought he was at home and that his dog had climbed on his bed. He rolled over to tell his dog off when he saw the lion open her mouth and close it on his head. He started shouting. Andre is a big man of about 100 kgs. The lioness slapped him through his air mattress and then proceeded to slap his body against the roof of the hut two or three times with his head in her mouth. Andre was convinced she was going to break his neck. Unable to break his neck in the confined space, she then dragged him off still holding his head in her mouth.
Lance Nesbitt was the first hero. Still getting into his sleeping bag less than four meters away, he heard Andre scream and immediately knew what was happening and what to do. His torch was still in hand and he shone it straight at the retreating lioness who was already two meters away from the A-frame next to an anthill. By advancing and shining his torch on the lioness and screaming at the top of his voice, he stopped the lioness. When Lance was joined spontaneously by Dean Kendall and Bobo Gibbons, also with torches and loud voices, she dropped Andre and grudgingly walked away a meter before stopping and turning back. Very nearby were her three almost full-grown cubs. Had she dragged Andre one or two meters closer to the others, the situation might have been far more serious. The brave screaming and cussing from Lance, Bobo, and Dean was joined by more voices and more screaming. The four lions reluctantly retreated another ten meters and then squatted down in the light bush. I had grabbed my air horn from the boat.
The combination of this unfamiliar very loud noise and many torches and advancing shouting humans encouraged the four lions to wander off. They were in no hurry and on their way towards the thick bush; they walked within ten meters of John and Alex Lucas who were sleeping in the most isolated of the A-frames. Their father, Lex, was shouting for his boys, but they did not want to shout back in case it attracted any attention from the lions.
When we thought the lions had gone, Dean stated that we were very lucky that it was only an hour-and-a-half to daybreak and that it would be very unlikely that the lions would return. It has taken me longer to write the account of the incident than the actual time this part of the attack and rescue took place. When I got to Andre, he had crawled back the two meters to the A-frame and was vomiting. His face was a mess, but the bleeding was not extensive. At this point, there was every reason to panic, but the most amazing scene unfolded. First-aid kits came out of most boats. Andre was made comfortable.
Hugh Roberts calmly asserted control and administered a drip. Alex Lucas sat with Andre and monitored his shock. Hugh assessed the damage and cleaned up the wounds as best he could. Andre remained conscious throughout but did not talk much. Those who could not help congregated to the big fire, and a head count was taken. Rich found Andre's medical aid card and on one particular spot at Tashinga, Jeff managed to use his South African phone to get a signal from Zambia and phone for rescue. It is an extremely anxious time trying to explain to someone in Harare at 4:30 in the morning where Tashinga is and the state of the emergency.
It was Hugh Roberts' calming influence that prevented emotions running high. It was agreed to medevac Andre at first light to Bumi Hills, which was only twenty minutes away by boat. Radio communications were limited, but we thought that Bumi were aware of our forthcoming arrival. Later I was told that one of the boats had managed to get ahold of the Tashinga Camp (two kilometers away) who said they would send an email to Bumi. We prepared my boat for the trip, but just before we were going to move Andre, I asked for another boat as it was not safe to go in only one. Arthur had his ready in seconds, and it was decided his decking was more suitable to carry Andre.
Five hundred meters off shore, Arthur's boat stopped. He quickly corrected a loose fuel connection and it gave us the opportunity to imagine how badly things could go wrong if the rescue boat had been on its own and had broken down.
At Bumi, I was blowing my air horn as we entered the harbor, and a manager (Ian Smith) saw through his binoculars a drip being held up in the boat and knew there was an emergency. Bumi was not expecting us. Mike and Jeff decided to run up to the hotel and were met by a vehicle near the top. Lying in the boat, Andre was shivering from shock, but the early morning sun was beginning to rise. With his head covered in bandages, he calmly and bravely stated, “I cannot see, and I cannot feel my feet and that disturbs me,” a true masterpiece of understatement for us.
The staff at Bumi were magnificent. We loaded Andre onto a cruiser and took him straight to the airstrip. There we tried to make Andre as comfortable as possible. Anticipating a two-hour wait, there was not much we could do.
Hugh Roberts changed the dressing and eventually the drip. Andre was in a great deal of pain and Mike, Jeff, Arthur, Rich, and I took turns caring for him - all under the calm leadership of Hugh Roberts. We had a chance to check Andre's back. Where the lioness had slapped him through his air mattress was an intense bruise in the almost perfect shape of a lion's paw. The mattress had merely prevented her claws from ripping into Andre's flesh.
Waiting for the plane was very difficult. We later learned that it had spent nearly half an hour on the runway in Harare waiting for clearance. On hearing the plane, the Bumi staff quickly drove up and down the runway to clear the many animals. The very impressive MARS air rescue ambulance taxied close to us, and the professionals took over. Andre was carried on the mattress to the plane where he got out and walked. At the last minute, he suddenly refused to get into the plane but there were enough of us to get him those last few meters. It took the doctor and nurse about half an hour to stabilize him and prepare him for take-off. The plane took off and Andre was in safe hands. There was nothing more we could do. Hugh Roberts could sigh and rest against the vehicle. I wanted to sit in a corner and cry.
We are told that Andre was suggesting to the pilot how he should be flying the plane - the morphine had obviously kicked in! Family and friends were waiting for him in Bulawayo. From being attacked by a lion at the remoteness of the Ume river to being hospitalized in Bulawayo in less than eight hours is praiseworthy, and we need to thank all medical staff and pilots involved.
We went up to the hotel to make some phone calls and then returned to the fleet. Some national parks staff had wandered down mid-morning stating that they had heard the noise and was there anything they could do? Had I been there my reply would not have been polite.
Andre is currently in the hospital in Johannesburg. Sadly, he lost his left eye, but his life is no longer in danger. His wife Clare is with him while their three sons remain in Bulawayo to get on with their schooling. Friends have been amazing in their support for the family. Our most grateful thanks and respect goes to the heroes who chased off the lions and those who rescued Andre afterwards.
To Andre, we wish you a complete and speedy recovery. We salute your bravery.
By Rob Nixon
Jun 13, 2010
Well from my side, you are lucky mate and I wish you all the best, you certainly have a story to tell.
To all of you heroes - BAYETE - we salute you
Monday, September 13, 2010
Apollo tours!!
Good news! Hotel Apollo decided to expand their horizons by offering tours to Sun City, the Kruger National Park and more!
Offering the best accomodation you'll get from a Randburg Hotel, with the most exotic restaurant and bar, you can't go wrong with them.
And now, while enjoying your stay, you can go and watch some lions in their natural habitat, doing what they do(in their natural habitat), or even get up close and personal with some elephants!
This is some experience they're offering, not to be missed! Invite some of your friends, go have the time of your life and see what this beautiful country of ours has to offer!
Offering the best accomodation you'll get from a Randburg Hotel, with the most exotic restaurant and bar, you can't go wrong with them.
And now, while enjoying your stay, you can go and watch some lions in their natural habitat, doing what they do(in their natural habitat), or even get up close and personal with some elephants!
This is some experience they're offering, not to be missed! Invite some of your friends, go have the time of your life and see what this beautiful country of ours has to offer!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Swimming with the sharks!
I'm sure all of us want a picture where we swim with sharks? Well, you don't need your graphic design friend anymore...
NetFlorist offers you an adventure getaway which includes a shark dive and a two night stay in the beautiful province of Kwa-Zulu Natal!
It's funny how people changed through the ages. Twenty years ago, no one would have even passed a thought of getting near a shark. Movies like Jaws and Deep Blue Sea enhanced the fear that strikes everyone at the sight of a shark.
Obviously, shark attacks are something we all fear, so for me, I'll stay on dry land, thank you very much. But most of you guys out there like to live life on the edge. Nothing wrong with that, just don't be surprised if you slip off the edge one day:)
NetFlorist offers you an adventure getaway which includes a shark dive and a two night stay in the beautiful province of Kwa-Zulu Natal!
It's funny how people changed through the ages. Twenty years ago, no one would have even passed a thought of getting near a shark. Movies like Jaws and Deep Blue Sea enhanced the fear that strikes everyone at the sight of a shark.
Obviously, shark attacks are something we all fear, so for me, I'll stay on dry land, thank you very much. But most of you guys out there like to live life on the edge. Nothing wrong with that, just don't be surprised if you slip off the edge one day:)
Posted by
11:22 AM
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Raptors View Wildlife Escape Hoedspruit - Gem of a private sale
Nestled in sight of the nothern reacheds of the Drakensberg mountain range, Raptor's Wildlife Escape is located in the Limpopo Province not far from the well known town of Hoedspruit. Limpopo is one of South Africa's most scenic areas and best-loved bushveld destinations. Home to Africa's Big 5, abundance of wildlife and the legendary baobab tree.
This 1 bedroomed double story loft, lock-up-and-go unit offers many premium advantages including a
soon to be completed club house and pool and birdhide, 24 hour security, and Big game viewing on adjacent wildlife conservancy Khaya Ndlovu all included.
This unit has a tenant and generates rental income already. A Great investment.
Price only R 700,000.00 onco Send Email to owner: Silvex
Pictures of 3 roomed unit in complex
This 1 bedroomed double story loft, lock-up-and-go unit offers many premium advantages including a
soon to be completed club house and pool and birdhide, 24 hour security, and Big game viewing on adjacent wildlife conservancy Khaya Ndlovu all included.
This unit has a tenant and generates rental income already. A Great investment.
Price only R 700,000.00 onco Send Email to owner: Silvex
Pictures of 3 roomed unit in complex
Let's get away from this place!
As far as our human lifestyle goes, we love to create our own little worlds, our own little comfort zones. We create our own lives and live it in comfort.
So why not get out of that little bubble you created around yourself? Take a couple of friends with and go away for a weekend, hit the road, see where it leads you.
There are many travel packages you can explore online, including the wide range NetFlorist has on offer. A whole lot of options for the traveller, the abseiler, and even the off-roader!
We are living in a beautiful country with so many travel destinations, go out there and discover them all for you. You'll be surprised at all the stuff you'll find just around the corner, just over that hill, just around the bend.
Life's short, time is few, live life to the fullest, go to places, go explore the uncharted territories!!
So why not get out of that little bubble you created around yourself? Take a couple of friends with and go away for a weekend, hit the road, see where it leads you.
There are many travel packages you can explore online, including the wide range NetFlorist has on offer. A whole lot of options for the traveller, the abseiler, and even the off-roader!
We are living in a beautiful country with so many travel destinations, go out there and discover them all for you. You'll be surprised at all the stuff you'll find just around the corner, just over that hill, just around the bend.
Life's short, time is few, live life to the fullest, go to places, go explore the uncharted territories!!
Posted by
10:37 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Travelling with kids

So before you leave, make yourself a checklist of things you need to remember for the trip.
Pack items such as medication, a damp cloth in a plastic bag (or wetwipes), a bottle of water, first aid kit, etc.
Make a CD with a variety of sing-a-long songs for both the adults and the kids before you leave. Audio books are also a good idea. This can be bought at most bookstores.
Kids love surprises... so make up little "lucky packets" with a variety of snacks and small toys. Keep the sugar intake to a minimal and pack healthier options such as nuts, dried fruits, cheese sticks, biscuits. Drinks should be in smaller bottles with resealable lids. Keep a plastic bag handy to put rubbish in and join in the cause and don't litter next to the road.
Stop about every 2 hours or so to take a break. Pack a ball or frisbee and if it's possible and safe, let the kids play with it for a few minutes to stretch their legs and get rid of excess energy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Apollo serves!!
Yes, this is surely the best in Randburg Hotels, Hotel Apollo.
Accommodating up to 180 guests with the most exquisite foods and a beautiful view over Sandton, the Africa Restaurant is a good way to enjoy a lovely meal and network with some business associates and future potential business opportunities.
Hotel Apollo will make sure of it that you enjoy a fantastic breakfast. lunch or dinner with some great company, catering for your specific wants and needs.
So, if you are planning on a conference in Randburg, there's only one place you can be sure to contact that will satisfy you and your guests, Hotel Apollo.
You can even escape t the airport really quick if you want out or ticked off the wrong guy, the option's always there!;)
So, enjoy a business conference next time, and choose the right venue with some huge entertainment surrounding it!
Accommodating up to 180 guests with the most exquisite foods and a beautiful view over Sandton, the Africa Restaurant is a good way to enjoy a lovely meal and network with some business associates and future potential business opportunities.
Hotel Apollo will make sure of it that you enjoy a fantastic breakfast. lunch or dinner with some great company, catering for your specific wants and needs.
So, if you are planning on a conference in Randburg, there's only one place you can be sure to contact that will satisfy you and your guests, Hotel Apollo.
You can even escape t the airport really quick if you want out or ticked off the wrong guy, the option's always there!;)
So, enjoy a business conference next time, and choose the right venue with some huge entertainment surrounding it!
Posted by
10:51 AM
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Noble vineyards...
One of the most beautiful places in South Africa, would probably be the Cape winelands, combining astonishing backdrops of the mountains with the huge vineyards.
Now, if you're a little boy, this is as boring as it gets for you. So, pull your sister's hair, young one, some day you'll love this...
And the same goes for people who never tasted dry red wine before. Please get a taste for it before going into a cellar? Otherwise the dry red's gonna end up on the person;s face standing right in front of you... Then you'll be asked to leave the premisses in an orderly fashion:)
It's crazy how some of the people can give you a whole book full of useless information just by tasting a wine. They can even tell you the horse's name who's sweat they're tasting! Amazing... But that's just me.
So, if you want to experience some wine culture and take some beautiful pictures with it, be sure to check out the Winelands Country Tour that NetFlorist offers. Maybe you'll pick something up on reading the past with your tongue? That could prove useful;)
Now, if you're a little boy, this is as boring as it gets for you. So, pull your sister's hair, young one, some day you'll love this...
And the same goes for people who never tasted dry red wine before. Please get a taste for it before going into a cellar? Otherwise the dry red's gonna end up on the person;s face standing right in front of you... Then you'll be asked to leave the premisses in an orderly fashion:)
It's crazy how some of the people can give you a whole book full of useless information just by tasting a wine. They can even tell you the horse's name who's sweat they're tasting! Amazing... But that's just me.
So, if you want to experience some wine culture and take some beautiful pictures with it, be sure to check out the Winelands Country Tour that NetFlorist offers. Maybe you'll pick something up on reading the past with your tongue? That could prove useful;)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
When someone asks you,"What would be the top three things you like to consume?", your answer would be chocolate(if you're a girl), or wine(if you think you're classy), or maybe even cheese(if you're a mouse). But how about combining them...?
NetFlorist offers you the opportunity to combine them! A Cheese Wine and Chocolate Tour through Cape Town!
The tour offers a cheese tasting, a wine tasting and a chocolate tasting, thus making you girly, classy and mousy!! Haha
So, treat yourself! Take someone with you on this experience, have really nice time and come back home with some culture! Haha
NetFlorist offers you the opportunity to combine them! A Cheese Wine and Chocolate Tour through Cape Town!
The tour offers a cheese tasting, a wine tasting and a chocolate tasting, thus making you girly, classy and mousy!! Haha
So, treat yourself! Take someone with you on this experience, have really nice time and come back home with some culture! Haha
Posted by
10:18 AM
Monday, August 16, 2010
Cruizing in style!!
Looking for a romantic getaway? You're looking at it!
NetFlorist offers you this amazing opportunity to take that special person in your life for a romantic private dinner cruize in Cape Town! What more do you want?
Probably every single one of us passed a thought of going on a romantic cruize with the one your heart belongs to, some of us are still struggling to find out who that special person is;), but for the rest of you lucky people who are happily in love, this could prove to be a dream come true.
The cruize departs from the V&A Waterfront and takes you and your loved one on an experience of a lifetime, giving you a seaview of Table Mountain, Lions Head and Signal Hill just to name a few.
So, now that you know where you're going to spend your next R8 000, it's time to be creative...
Obviously, the girls won't go as far as planning this, so guys, it's up to you. Some pointers, know your enem... I mean your better half! Is she the one who tells you that she hates surprises and actually love them(sneaky...), or does she milk every little bit of information out of you? In that case, just tell her what you're planning and don't take no for an answer!!
On the other hand, surprises are most welcome to those who like to live life to the fullest and seizing the day(no, control freak, that's not you!). So, tell her you're taking her to Cape Town for a weekend, just to get away from all the noise and spending some "quality time" with her. Few will refuse that offer!
And for those of you living in Cape Town, just take her to the V&A Waterfront and put her on the boat! As easy as that:)
NetFlorist offers you this amazing opportunity to take that special person in your life for a romantic private dinner cruize in Cape Town! What more do you want?
Probably every single one of us passed a thought of going on a romantic cruize with the one your heart belongs to, some of us are still struggling to find out who that special person is;), but for the rest of you lucky people who are happily in love, this could prove to be a dream come true.
The cruize departs from the V&A Waterfront and takes you and your loved one on an experience of a lifetime, giving you a seaview of Table Mountain, Lions Head and Signal Hill just to name a few.
So, now that you know where you're going to spend your next R8 000, it's time to be creative...
Obviously, the girls won't go as far as planning this, so guys, it's up to you. Some pointers, know your enem... I mean your better half! Is she the one who tells you that she hates surprises and actually love them(sneaky...), or does she milk every little bit of information out of you? In that case, just tell her what you're planning and don't take no for an answer!!
On the other hand, surprises are most welcome to those who like to live life to the fullest and seizing the day(no, control freak, that's not you!). So, tell her you're taking her to Cape Town for a weekend, just to get away from all the noise and spending some "quality time" with her. Few will refuse that offer!
And for those of you living in Cape Town, just take her to the V&A Waterfront and put her on the boat! As easy as that:)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Mana Pools - Africa in it's wildest form

Mana Pools National Park is situated in the Lower Zambezi and is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Mana means "four" in Shona refers to the four permanent pools that is formed in the Zambezi River.
This park consists of 2'500 square kilometres of river frontage, sandbanks, islands, and pools, is one of the least developed parks in Southern Africa and is ideal for those who want to rough it...
With no fences or borders you get the chance to get up close and personal with the wildlife (including the Big 5). The game rangers are well trained and their knowledge of the animals and their habits and habitats are very impressive.
It's also a very good fishing destination with tiger fishing as main attraction.
For more information and great packages visit AfriZim or Zambezi Safari & Travel Ltd Co .
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Apollo accomodates!
Looking for a place to host a conference of a business meeting? Look no further...
Situated in Randburg, close to OR Tambu and Lanseria airports, Hotel Apollo offers accomodation for conferences, business meetings, and launch events! Thus, being the best option should your clients or business partners need to fly in to get to you.
Hotel Apollo also can assist the visitor in arranging tours and some sightseeing for a couple of interesting places nearby, such as The Cradle of Humankind, the Johannesburg Zoo and Gold Reef City.
Come and enjoy the Acropolis bar as well for a relaxing, fun time. Enjoy it all, here at Hotel Apollo!
Situated in Randburg, close to OR Tambu and Lanseria airports, Hotel Apollo offers accomodation for conferences, business meetings, and launch events! Thus, being the best option should your clients or business partners need to fly in to get to you.
Hotel Apollo also can assist the visitor in arranging tours and some sightseeing for a couple of interesting places nearby, such as The Cradle of Humankind, the Johannesburg Zoo and Gold Reef City.
Come and enjoy the Acropolis bar as well for a relaxing, fun time. Enjoy it all, here at Hotel Apollo!
Posted by
9:47 AM
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Adventure seiling!!
Nothing like the great outdoors...
Most of us are seeking to get away, just want to leave this place and enjoy some time on our own. Some of us like to hide behind our desks the whole day and just say no to every event invitation you're getting on Facebook.
But I say, why not live a little? Get off that comfy office chair and leave the assistant's coffee on your desk, go out there and have a blast!!
Luckily, you don't have to go far to combine abseiling with an outdoor adventure trail. Yes, you sitting in the big apple, which would be Johannesburg, you can have the time of your life just around the corner!
Prices start at R385, so it's affordable!! Be sure to check out this amazing offer and don't miss out on the adventure that lies on the horizon(the one past all the office buildings when you stare out of your office window, mr. Corporate!)
Most of us are seeking to get away, just want to leave this place and enjoy some time on our own. Some of us like to hide behind our desks the whole day and just say no to every event invitation you're getting on Facebook.
But I say, why not live a little? Get off that comfy office chair and leave the assistant's coffee on your desk, go out there and have a blast!!
Luckily, you don't have to go far to combine abseiling with an outdoor adventure trail. Yes, you sitting in the big apple, which would be Johannesburg, you can have the time of your life just around the corner!
Prices start at R385, so it's affordable!! Be sure to check out this amazing offer and don't miss out on the adventure that lies on the horizon(the one past all the office buildings when you stare out of your office window, mr. Corporate!)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hell freezes over...
Hotel California? Maybe...
Maybe you can check out any time you want, but you never want to leave? Who knows? Looking at the pictures of the place, I sure wouldn't mind visiting it some time, apart from the neverending cold.
There's one big plus point to this hotel just North of the Arctic Circle, your drinks will always be chilled and your ice will never melt! It also boasts an ice bar, as you can see in the picture, and some wonderfully done lighting effects. You can get lost in all those features and colours!
One thing I do wonder, in the Ice Hotel, what's your bed made of? Because if there's one thing that needs to be warm, it's the bed. And are you allowed to order coffee? Because if you spill it, the hot coffee will melt the ice. And then of course, the whole bathroom thing. I don't think youll have a nice bath if your bath tub melts away and you'll find yourself lying on the floor halfway through it.
But I guess that's just me... Have you been to the Ice Hotel?
Maybe you can check out any time you want, but you never want to leave? Who knows? Looking at the pictures of the place, I sure wouldn't mind visiting it some time, apart from the neverending cold.
There's one big plus point to this hotel just North of the Arctic Circle, your drinks will always be chilled and your ice will never melt! It also boasts an ice bar, as you can see in the picture, and some wonderfully done lighting effects. You can get lost in all those features and colours!
One thing I do wonder, in the Ice Hotel, what's your bed made of? Because if there's one thing that needs to be warm, it's the bed. And are you allowed to order coffee? Because if you spill it, the hot coffee will melt the ice. And then of course, the whole bathroom thing. I don't think youll have a nice bath if your bath tub melts away and you'll find yourself lying on the floor halfway through it.
But I guess that's just me... Have you been to the Ice Hotel?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Experiences through adventure!!
Be sure to check out the amazing packages NetFlorist offers you for a great experience and amazing adventures!
Be sure to check out the amazing packages NetFlorist offers you for a great experience and amazing adventures!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My abs want to seil!
What can be more adventurous than tying a rope around your abs and going down on a mountain?
NetFlorist offers you the best abseiling experience of a lifetime, taking you to Cape Town for an amazing time on the mountains.
At least you wouldn't look like Danny Da Vito going down on a wall and burning your hands through the gloves, you're going to abseil in style!
With prices starting at R575, this offer can not be turned down! So, pack up all your goodies, visit NetFlorist, get yourself into gear, and go experience abseiling like you've never did before!
NetFlorist offers you the best abseiling experience of a lifetime, taking you to Cape Town for an amazing time on the mountains.
At least you wouldn't look like Danny Da Vito going down on a wall and burning your hands through the gloves, you're going to abseil in style!
With prices starting at R575, this offer can not be turned down! So, pack up all your goodies, visit NetFlorist, get yourself into gear, and go experience abseiling like you've never did before!
Posted by
10:11 AM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bring out the inner climber...
Looking for something adventurous? Weird how everything you're looking for is at the last place you search...
Somewhere deep inside of us all, there's a couple of personalities. Most of us like to bring out the inner child or the inner idiot, especially when something doesn't go your way or your daughter has a new boyfriend... (I feel for you, new boyfriend. Patience is a virtue...)
And some of us like to bring out our inner lawyer on the road,"You should NOT be driving!". But all of us like to get away sometime, just take a break from the slow and easy-going life we're all living, and go out on an adventurous experience!
Something fun to do, is to act like a monkey and go kloofing! and NetFlorist is offering you an experience of a lifetime! Kloofing in the Drakensberg! Prices starting from R460, be sure to check this out!
Somewhere deep inside of us all, there's a couple of personalities. Most of us like to bring out the inner child or the inner idiot, especially when something doesn't go your way or your daughter has a new boyfriend... (I feel for you, new boyfriend. Patience is a virtue...)
And some of us like to bring out our inner lawyer on the road,"You should NOT be driving!". But all of us like to get away sometime, just take a break from the slow and easy-going life we're all living, and go out on an adventurous experience!
Something fun to do, is to act like a monkey and go kloofing! and NetFlorist is offering you an experience of a lifetime! Kloofing in the Drakensberg! Prices starting from R460, be sure to check this out!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
8 Crazy nights!
Travel, who doesn't like it?
So, for all you playboys out there, pack up all your golf gear, a week's supply of sunscreen, some stuff to do on the airplane and combine the beauty of Cape Town with the glamour of Sun City for a whole of 8 nights!
Just make sure to practice your swing before you hit the Sun City golf course. There's always someone watching, and you don't want to show off your tantrum skills in public when you had a perfect swing, but the golf ball's not travelling at all, but just sitting on the tee and laughing at you.
Also, check all your golf gear and make sure to play a little bit more golf than usual, just to get your game up to par and not have the poorest handicap when you arrive at the course.
So, next time if you're looking for a great way to enjoy South Africa and have alovely game of golf, you know where to go!
So, for all you playboys out there, pack up all your golf gear, a week's supply of sunscreen, some stuff to do on the airplane and combine the beauty of Cape Town with the glamour of Sun City for a whole of 8 nights!
Just make sure to practice your swing before you hit the Sun City golf course. There's always someone watching, and you don't want to show off your tantrum skills in public when you had a perfect swing, but the golf ball's not travelling at all, but just sitting on the tee and laughing at you.
Also, check all your golf gear and make sure to play a little bit more golf than usual, just to get your game up to par and not have the poorest handicap when you arrive at the course.
So, next time if you're looking for a great way to enjoy South Africa and have alovely game of golf, you know where to go!
Posted by
12:48 PM
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The pro...
Ah yes, the gentleman's game...
Golf, some of us love it, some of us love watching it, and some of us only try to hit the ball instead of missing it(that would be me included...)
Still, there's not alot of feelings which compare to that of a perfect swing. Especially when all your friends are watching!
It's not one of the cheapest hobbies out there, but what is cheap these days? And once you've started, you just want to play more golf, which means you have to buy some golf gear. And then you need to get that swing going, thank goodness for driving ranges!
Usually, when I drive past a driving range I anticipate one unlucky guy's swing, and as he's about to pull through, I lay on my car's hooter and watch him perform the most unique swing in the world. Everyone's hooter swing is unique, and girls like to throw in a jump or two as well.
It sure is relaxing sometimes to watch or play golf, and that feeling will never die.
Golf, some of us love it, some of us love watching it, and some of us only try to hit the ball instead of missing it(that would be me included...)
Still, there's not alot of feelings which compare to that of a perfect swing. Especially when all your friends are watching!
It's not one of the cheapest hobbies out there, but what is cheap these days? And once you've started, you just want to play more golf, which means you have to buy some golf gear. And then you need to get that swing going, thank goodness for driving ranges!
Usually, when I drive past a driving range I anticipate one unlucky guy's swing, and as he's about to pull through, I lay on my car's hooter and watch him perform the most unique swing in the world. Everyone's hooter swing is unique, and girls like to throw in a jump or two as well.
It sure is relaxing sometimes to watch or play golf, and that feeling will never die.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You are cordially invited to join us at our annual SOUTHERN CROSS SCHOOLS FUN GOLF DAY. The event is part of a fund raiser directed at our sports facilities. Playing Spaces are confirmed on a “first paid – first confirmed” basis………………
Date: Saturday 31 July 2010
Where: Drakensig Golf Club, Hoedspruit, Limpopo.
Time: 08h00 – Registration
09h00 - Tee off - Shotgun start
Format: Four Ball Alliance
(2 scores to count on all the holes except the Par 3's where all 4 scores to be counted.)
Handicaps: Affiliated Players – Official Club handicaps
Non-Affiliated Players – Ladies - 24 handicap/Men- 18 handicap
Price: R250 - Per player – includes golf, curry and rice lunch at the Halfway house, evening braai & Entertainment
R45 - Per non-player for dinner - includes a braai pack for one, salad and rolls
(Caddies available at own costs – players to provide food and drinks for caddies.
Food and drinks will be sold on the golf course by the PA during the day)
After Party: 17h00 - After the golf we move to the Southern Cross Schools, Founders’ Circle
For the braai and entertainment. A cash bar will be available, so no cooler boxes please.
18h30 - Prize giving
19h30 - Dinner & entertainment in the Founder’s Circle at Southern Cross Schools.
RSVP: To book your place as Player and/or Sponsor please contact Tracey Salvadori on or Derry Machardy on or call 015 793 0811 during office hours. All payments to be made into the PA bank account (details below) by 20 June 2010. Please state your name/business name and fax proof of payment to 086 546 9811.
Bank: First National Bank Account: 6215 166 1892 Branch no: 270652 (Hoedspruit)
CHILDREN WELCOME AT EVENING BRAAI. Don’t forget to bring extra cash on the day to buy raffle tickets for our famous wheelbarrow, competitions and extra drinks.
Date: Saturday 31 July 2010
Where: Drakensig Golf Club, Hoedspruit, Limpopo.
Time: 08h00 – Registration
09h00 - Tee off - Shotgun start
Format: Four Ball Alliance
(2 scores to count on all the holes except the Par 3's where all 4 scores to be counted.)
Handicaps: Affiliated Players – Official Club handicaps
Non-Affiliated Players – Ladies - 24 handicap/Men- 18 handicap
Price: R250 - Per player – includes golf, curry and rice lunch at the Halfway house, evening braai & Entertainment
R45 - Per non-player for dinner - includes a braai pack for one, salad and rolls
(Caddies available at own costs – players to provide food and drinks for caddies.
Food and drinks will be sold on the golf course by the PA during the day)
After Party: 17h00 - After the golf we move to the Southern Cross Schools, Founders’ Circle
For the braai and entertainment. A cash bar will be available, so no cooler boxes please.
18h30 - Prize giving
19h30 - Dinner & entertainment in the Founder’s Circle at Southern Cross Schools.
RSVP: To book your place as Player and/or Sponsor please contact Tracey Salvadori on or Derry Machardy on or call 015 793 0811 during office hours. All payments to be made into the PA bank account (details below) by 20 June 2010. Please state your name/business name and fax proof of payment to 086 546 9811.
Bank: First National Bank Account: 6215 166 1892 Branch no: 270652 (Hoedspruit)
CHILDREN WELCOME AT EVENING BRAAI. Don’t forget to bring extra cash on the day to buy raffle tickets for our famous wheelbarrow, competitions and extra drinks.
Investment 101

Good day to all the people who love money, which is practically all of us...
Strange how money makes the world go round these days. I wonder what we'd do without it? Go back to riding ox wagons and horses and living on farms? How boring life would be... ;)
Now, as some of us can agree to some extent that we always want to invest in something, because one day your investment would smile back at you and say,"Hey, I'm worth a lot more now!!", we get to the question of what do we invest in?
There's a couple of choices these days, small businesses, personal investments like cars, high end guitars, etc. Some of us even like to invest in ourselves, for example to take out life insurance. That way, you'd leave some money behind for all your kids and grand kids to "put to good use".
Everything needs to get insured now a days, and insurance companies get smarter by the minute. Which means we must go and compare insurance quotes. This one will give you some of your money back if they don't have to do anything for you for four years, I think they call it a "no claim bonus"? That's like driving into a petrol station with a sign that says,"We'll give you free petrol once every year if you don't use our services!". And then there's the guys who are very proud of it that they have fewer staff than the rest,"Cut out the middleman!!".
But still, life is too risky to go about without any insurance, because it's a jungle out there and all we have to protect ourselves, is just money.
capital investment,
compare insurance,
personal investment


Posted by
11:22 AM
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day 2010 Dont Sit Back
Earth Day 2010
Dear friend,
This Earth Day I'm hoping you'll celebrate by watching our new Earth Day video and inviting those in your life to join Greenpeace with you.
Our planet is facing bigger challenges than ever before. Our ancient forests are being chopped down and our oceans recklessly fished out and polluted at a breathtaking pace. Whaling, toxic pollution, dirty coal, dangerous nuclear energy and genetically engineered crops threaten the quality and even sustainability of lives around the planet. Catastrophic climate change looms as governments and industry spend time and resources in hopes of increasing their profits while avoiding the changes necessary to curb carbon emissions.
Over the years, we've had a positive impact around the world by bearing witness and convincing politicians and industry to change many harmful practices. We have managed to protect enormous swaths of land, push through major environmental laws and sometimes even inspire business, government and science to put the good of the planet before financial gain.
But if you think the power of Greenpeace is in our ships, our peaceful direct actions or our solutions-based campaigning - think again: it's you.
The Earth needs more people like you who care about environmental issues, more people who will use their voices to defend it - and more people who will take action to protect it. You can help the Earth today by helping build the movement to save it - invite people to watch our Earth Day video via e-mail, or share it on Facebook.
A green and peaceful future is possible - please join us in making it happen. The Earth needs our attention not just on Earth Day, but every day.
Best wishes,
Kumi Naidoo
Executive Director,
Greenpeace International
Dear friend,
This Earth Day I'm hoping you'll celebrate by watching our new Earth Day video and inviting those in your life to join Greenpeace with you.
Our planet is facing bigger challenges than ever before. Our ancient forests are being chopped down and our oceans recklessly fished out and polluted at a breathtaking pace. Whaling, toxic pollution, dirty coal, dangerous nuclear energy and genetically engineered crops threaten the quality and even sustainability of lives around the planet. Catastrophic climate change looms as governments and industry spend time and resources in hopes of increasing their profits while avoiding the changes necessary to curb carbon emissions.
Over the years, we've had a positive impact around the world by bearing witness and convincing politicians and industry to change many harmful practices. We have managed to protect enormous swaths of land, push through major environmental laws and sometimes even inspire business, government and science to put the good of the planet before financial gain.
But if you think the power of Greenpeace is in our ships, our peaceful direct actions or our solutions-based campaigning - think again: it's you.
The Earth needs more people like you who care about environmental issues, more people who will use their voices to defend it - and more people who will take action to protect it. You can help the Earth today by helping build the movement to save it - invite people to watch our Earth Day video via e-mail, or share it on Facebook.
A green and peaceful future is possible - please join us in making it happen. The Earth needs our attention not just on Earth Day, but every day.
Best wishes,
Kumi Naidoo
Executive Director,
Greenpeace International
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Are you looking to rent out your apartment for the 2010 world cup?

Ahhh, but there's a catch.
There's NO PROPERTY available for the 2010 world cup soccer and we've acutally run out of rooms to rent.
If you have accommodation for world cup 2010:
A room to rent for the world cup 2010
A apartment to rent for the world cup
A flatlet to rent for the world cup
A apartment to rent for the world cup
A flatlet to rent for the world cup
A house to rent for the world cup
then, you need to contact Rent a Room 2010.
So for more information on the 2010 world cup, let our accommodation agents assist you.
So for more information on the 2010 world cup, let our accommodation agents assist you.
South Africa's leader in 2010 world cup accommodation.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Currency Transfers at NO COST
Send and receive money anywhere in the world
No transfer fees
Superior commercial exchange rates
Own personal dealer
Fast and efficient service
pay your mortgage monthly, send gifts and do forex based business with ease
Get your slice of the biggest apple!! Your money.
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